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Bridget moved to Australia from New Zealand at the age of 27, meeting her future husband soon after arriving in Australia. With a degree in Commerce, she devoted the next 20 years of her life to building a career in Banking and Finance. Determined to climb the corporate ladder, Bridget successfully obtained numerous well-paid senior roles.


Although outwardly successful, she never felt fulfilled or passionate about her work. Holding deep spiritual beliefs, passed down from her New Zealand Maori heritage, she felt afraid to reveal her true spiritual self, for fear of being judged or ostracized. Working for many years in a stressful and sometimes toxic environment eventually took its toll. In 2011, Bridget developed severe anxiety and depression.


2011 was a turning point in Bridget’s life. Despite having to remain working in the same industry for a further 8 years, she obtained the necessary help to manage and eventually overcome her anxiety and depression. In experiencing what Bridget describes as ‘hitting rock bottom’, she realised her corporate career ambitions were not sustainable long term. Having been made redundant from a job in 2019, she felt the Universe was sending her the message ‘it’s time for a change’.  


What was at the time a challenging and stressful period in her life, also was the start of her spiritual awakening and the opportunity to discover her true authentic self.  Being an empath, clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient and a natural healer, Bridget knew instinctively her calling was to help others. Making a positive difference in other people’s lives, gives her immense satisfaction, happiness, and a true sense of purpose. Bridget’s calling lead her to train in Past Life Regression, Family Constellations, Psychosomatic Face Reading, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, and other healing modalities, with the aim of establishing her own business.


Today, Bridget continues to honour her true-life purpose, working as a spiritual healer and making it her goal to help others.




  • Regression Therapy (Diploma) – Tony Collins of Inner Fulfillment Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia

  • Between Lives Spiritual Regression (Certified) - Tony Collins of Inner Fulfillment Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia

  • Family Constellations Facilitator Training (Certified) – Edwina Van Der Westhuizen of Spandah Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia

  • Modern Hypnosis Training (Certified) – The Tad James Co., Sydney, Australia

  • Ascension Training (Certified Ascension Master in Ascension 2-5) Jerome Baudel of Ashati Institute, Sydney, Australia

  • Master Training (Certified Energy Healing Master in Ashati 3, Alsemia 3, Ascension 1, Soul Rescue, Reiki 3) – Jerome Baudel of Ashati Institute, Sydney, Australia

  • Healing Training (Certified Energy Healing Practitioner in Ashati 1-2, Alsemia 1-2, Higher Senses, Reiki 1-2) Jerome Baudel of Ashati Institute, Sydney, Australia

  • Psychosomatic Therapy Training (Attendance of 10 day training, approx. 120 hours) – Psychosomatic Therapy College, Sydney, Australia

  • Bachelor of Commerce - Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand


Association Memberships


  • International Institute of Complimentary Therapists (IICT) – Full Member

  • International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA) – Full Member

  • Energy Therapies Association – Full Member

Let’s Work Together

Working with Bridget will take those ready to do the work, on a deep transformative journey. It is an opportunity to heal at the soul level, from the inside out, to obtain clarity in life and an understanding of your true-life purpose. Bridget believes in a tailor-made, holistic approach to healing, using selected healing modalities, suitable for each client’s unique circumstances.


For an opportunity to discuss the best healing approach suitable for you, feel free to submit a message below to schedule a 20-minute complimentary consultation.

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